Isaac's Portfolio

aka MSWSLogo


B.S Computer Science
Minor in Mathematics
Fall 2024 Graduation

Contact Me

Email: [email protected]
Discord: MSWS



An LED-like representation of arbitray data. Good for wallpapers! Written using TypeScript with Express.


A custom gamemode in Counter-Strike 2, featuring wardens, prisoners, and rebellers.


A Minecraft Spigot Plugin to allow for players to easily access their enderchest from within their inventory.

This Website

View the commits and source code of this website right on GitHub. Uses GitHub Pages with CSS and JavaScript for styling and functionality.

Interested in more?

You can view all my open source projects on my GitHub.

I'm also on...

YouTube Where I make fun videos.

Steam Where I spend most of my freetime.

Spigot Where I code Minecraft plugins.

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                        Coffee Buy me a coffee!